Iced Poochie Cinnamon Rolls – 1 Dozen


Ingredients: whole wheat flour, natural peanut butter, skim milk, local honey, baking powder, cinnamon

Guaranteed Analysis: ash 3.1%, crude fiber 2.2%, crude protein 21.0%, fat 20%, moisture 10.4%

Icing Ingredients: tapioca starch, maltodextrin, dextrose, titanium dioxide

Guaranteed Analysis: crude protein 0.0%, crude fat 0.0%, crude fiber 0.0%,



If your dog loves peanut butter these are the cookies to give plus there is cinnamon. Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory, really good for senior dogs struggling with arthritis. They are baked with all natural peanut butter and cinnamon. That means there is no sugar, no salt, and absolutely no preservatives added. My treats are slow baked to perfection so your dog enjoys them to the last bite. These treats come iced and have the same great taste as the un-iced  poochie cinnamon rolls.

Pet treats should not replace a balanced meal. Give only as a treat. Treats are slow baked and do good  in a treat jar and stored in a cool dry place . You can freeze treats to give them as a cool treat on hot days.


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